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Subject: Re: [xri] Status / progress of OpenID profiling of XRD?


I'm monitoring the OpenID discussions but not very active in them (InfoCards being my day job ;-). My understanding right now is that no formal work on migration of OpenID discovery to XRD has happened yet - OpenID 2.0 discovery is still based on XRDS.

I encourage someone on the TC more active in the topic of OpenID discovery v.next - Breno? John? Dirk? Eran? Will? -- to provide a more current answer.


On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Scott Cantor <cantor.2@osu.edu> wrote:
I had an action item from the Kantara ULX WG to ask about the situation with
OpenID use of XRD, meaning is this proceeding someplace, waiting on
finalization, being ignored....?

The ULX group is trying to boil out a list of requirements for information
about a relying party that need to be expressed to make client-side identity
technology work well.

XRD is obviously a likely candidate for expressing some of that, but I
wanted to make sure there wasn't a disconnect between any ideas on that and
how OpenID might make use of XRD. Infocard is still pushing along an OBJECT
tag strategy that I'm not very fond of, and SAML has metadata already, so
the onus to come up with something isn't as high.

-- Scott

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