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Subject: Re: Minutes of 2000-06-05 XSLT/XPath Conformance Committee
At 00/06/09 17:45 -0400, atman wrote: >Interpreting this as a motion, I second it for inclusion as an agenda >item, in the form of a motion to be voted, at the Phone meeting, under >approval of minutes. My understanding is that we can't entertain motions via email because we aren't in a meeting. Our objectives in email are to line up all the contributions, recommendations and motions that *will* be made at the next meeting, so that the actual business of the meeting is effectively rubber stamping through process the decisions we effectively make over email. All mail list contributions requiring action at the next meeting will be walked through during the meeting and acted on; to prepare for the meeting the proposed agenda I post will include a reference to all documents to be acted on (and members identifying missing documents to be addressed should speak up after the draft agenda is published). To prevent *all* mail list postings from being added to the agenda, perhaps we should deliberate using email and at some point whoever is directing the particular deliberation ask that a particular document be added to the agenda to the next meeting for action. And, just as JR has done here, the addition to the agenda should be vocally supported (thus preventing frivolous (not that I'd expect that, though) or multiple documents to be added to the meeting). We will hone our productivity using the email list (a concern of mine is that we won't be productive) ... I think what has happened is just right: David brought up a change to the minutes and JR supported that David's document is mature enough to be discussed at the meeting. Not many meeting documents will be ready instantly from their first posting. Most will trigger discussion and deliberation to the point at which we end up with the mature document that is brought to the meeting. When someone thinks the document is ready, they can propose it be added and as just happened we can wait for someone to support the addition to the agenda (though, technically, it isn't a motion and a seconding). I think anyone can state they don't think a document is ready for consideration at a meeting. I had already added David's document to the agenda I'm preparing, but next time I will wait for a posting like JR's that supports the adding of a mail list post to the agenda. Let me know if you support this concept. Any suggestions for procedure and policy will be warmly entertained. Thanks folks! ................... Ken p.s. sorry if I seem out of sync with the messages, but I don't have great connectivity here in Paris -- G. Ken Holman mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com Crane Softwrights Ltd. http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/m/ Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0 +1(613)489-0999 (Fax:-0995) Web site: XSL/XML/DSSSL/SGML services, training, libraries, products. Book: Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath ISBN1-894049-04-7 Next instructor-led training: 2000-06-12,2000-06-13,2000-09-19/20, - 2000-10-03,2000-10-04,2000-10-05,2000-11-13,2001-01-27
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