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xslt-conformance message

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Subject: Re: New list of discretionary items

At 00/08/09 23:21 -0400, Tony Graham wrote:
>  > I can take on the action item of seeding an XML version of the
>  > Recommendation with ID anchors so they can be referenced by IDREFs (much
>  > like I did for the summary of the XML 1.0 Recommendation in the XML
>  > Conformance Suite, except for the entire document and not just section
>  > heads).  David, have you yet documented your requirements for granularity
>  > for the citations already made by the Lotus tests?
>Putting IDs in a copies of the Recommendations is a lot of work that
>is not reusable for XSLT 1.1 or an XPath 1.1.

I was planning to do so using a stylesheet, not manually.

>Each item in the list of discretionary behaviours that I sent last
>night has an XPointer identifying the element containing the relevant
>text from the Recommendations.

Sorry ... in my haste yesterday I hadn't looked at the document.

>Those XPointers could and should be
>extended to identify the relevant spans of characters within the
>identified elements.

I agree.

>We could use XPointers to identify all significant portions of the
>Recommendations and do away with needing custom versions of the
>Actually, one way to make the XPointers would be add markup delimiting
>and identifying the spans of text to a copy of a Recommendation and
>then run a stylesheet that calculated an XPointer into the undoctored
>Recommendation corresponding to each of the marked up spans in the
>doctored version of the Recommendation.

Yes ... some reproducible process should be used ...

>At least some of the XPointers would be reusable across versions of
>the Recommendations, and the XPointers could be made more robust by
>using XPointers that started at elements with IDs or that started at
>divs with specified titles instead of the navigating from the root as
>is done so far.

I was planning to write a stylesheet to utilize existing IDs and seed other 
IDs in a calculable fashion ... I hadn't yet thought the whole thing 
through but volunteered to look into what could be done.  I will be sure to 
try and extend what you've already accomplished.

................ Ken

G. Ken Holman                    mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
Crane Softwrights Ltd.             http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/m/
Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0   +1(613)489-0999   (Fax:-0995)
Web site: XSL/XML/DSSSL/SGML services, training, libraries, products.
Book: Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath ISBN1-894049-05-5
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