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Subject: Draft meeting minutes Oct 21, 2014

Minutes for 21 October 2014 TC meeting.


Started at: 2:05 pm EDT


Duane DeCouteau (Voting Members)

Mike Davis (Voting Members)

Mohammad Jafari (Chair)

Scott Robertson (Observer)

Quorum was reached ( 3 out of 3 (%100) of voting members)


1. Approval of the minutes from the previous meeting (30 Sep 2014):

Unanimously approved.

2. Resolving the remaining issues of the working draft 

**US-realm conformance sub-section:

Mike: Why are we restricting these to US realm? Some of these are international standards.

Mohammad: We wanted to allow people in other realms to be able to define and use alternative vocabularies while conforming to this profile.

Mike: But if a vocabulary is an international standard we should probably define it as a conformance requirement for everyone.

Mohammad: Still there might be other alternative vocabularies in other jurisdictions. I suggest we keep this as normative for US but non-normative for others.

Mike: We probably need more research.

Scott: Not sure whether these are US-specific standard vocabularies. Agreed that we might need more research.

Mike moved to table this until the next meeting to do more research.

Unanimously approved.


**Vocabulary for functional roles (see Table 5 of the draft)

Duane: We didn’t prescribe any vocabularies for functional roles and left it to the organizations to agree on their own.

Mike: HL7 functional roles are implicit in the HL7 permission vocabulary.

Mohammad: Permission catalog is not sufficient for role definitions. We need named collections of permissions as functional roles.

Mike: These will be very low-level.

Mohammad: Then that's an argument in favor of not defining a vocabulary for this and leave it to organizations.

Duane: Agreed.

Mike: Agreed. But the functional roles defined by the organizations must be based on the HL7 permissions.

Mohammad: I will write a paragraph indicating this.

Approved unanimously.

Mike: There is an ANSI standard specifying how to combine standard permissions to form functional roles. We might need to cite that.


b) Using URNs instead of HL7 CD XML for encoding coded values:

Mohammad: I have posted the alternatives to the mailing list. Another alternative raised by Kathleen is to use the XML format defined by FHIR.

Duane and Scott: The URN is easier for implementers.

Mohammad: The argument for the other side is that it will require glue-logic code to connect to other systems that are based on CDA or FHIR.

Mohammad: We can also support all of the above but that will make things complicated

Scott: That might make some SAML implementations choke on the complex structures.

Mohammad: We can make the URN approach mandatory and the other two optional. The difference will be indicated in the ‘xsi:type’ of ‘saml:AttributeValue’.

Duane and Scott agreed.

Unanimously approved.


Adjourned at: 2:56 pm EDT



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