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Subject: [ciq] CIQ TC will be represented at the USPS meeting

The CIQ TC will be represented at the meeting sponsored by the United States
Postal Services (USPC) in Florida on 30 January 2002. This meeting
concentrates on
XML standards for address formats. Other address standard groups such as
GCA ADIS, etc are expected to attend. It is proposed at this stage that
Gocalves of the CIQ TC will attend the meeting. However, it is not formally
confirmed yet.
This is a very important meeting for CIQ TC to represent and influence the
other groups
on what has already been done by CIQ TC with regards to address formatting

The CIQ TC appreciates Mr.Joe Jubenow, Chairman of GCA ADIS who arranged for
CIQ TC to participate in this meeting. Joe will also be joining CIQ in the
next few weeks.

I am close to completing a presentation material on CIQ TC.



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