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Subject: [ciq] FW: OASIS CIQ question - for Liberty Alliance


There is much to discuss.

If Liberty is serious about getting into CIQ, then there
is MUCH to discuss.

Especially everything I'm seeing that we need in V3.0 to
make this more than just an interesting set of schemas
but a legally viable and usable framework worldwide.

That's a much tougher but necessary call.

I will try and call Lena Tuesday, but I think the
brunt of this will have to await until after Geneva and
a much more serious dialogue.

If Liberty is prepared to provide resources to this,
then we can get a real implementation that will
stand time and extended uses.

Otherwise we will need to look elsewhere for
people prepared to do this right.

Thanks, DW.
Message text written by Ram Kumar
MessageCIQ TC

FYI. I will be speaking to Lena this week.



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