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Subject: Re: [ciq] Name and address CC from UN/CEFACT


I'd agree that this CC is only a bare start point - and highlights that 
while the CC approach is useful - it cannot
alone create everything needed.

The analysis you forwarded is also at odds with how the OAGi CC team has 
developed their address CCs.

The gnarly part is that the idea behind CC is to have a common core set 
- but clearly this is not as easy
to attain as at first blush.

Hopefully the CIQ / UBL CAM templates will provide some insights there 
as we approach that too.

Thanks, DW
Ram Kumar wrote:

>Please find enclosed the name and address CC from
>UN/CEFACT TBG 17. Have a look and decide yourself
>whether this CC is complete or not. I do not see 
>much difference between UN/CEFACT CC for addresses
>and UBL CC for addresses. 
>I have sent a detailed email to this group explaining
>wmy this CC for address is not sufficient.
>Ram Kumar
>General Manager
>Software R&D and Architecture
>Suite 204A, 244 Beecroft Road
>Epping, NSW 2121, Australia
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>URL: www.msi.com.au 
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