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Subject: Motion for a new repository to be added to the OASIS TC Open Repositories

 Hi all,


Some of you may be aware of the work that Jeff Mates has done to create a specification candidate extension definition for Incidents. 


To use this extension effectively, it is desirable to extend the python-stix2 API in order to create Incident objects.


This API code should be available to anyone, but independent of the basic python-stix2 library.  The proposal is to create a new repository in OASIS-OPEN to hold this code and any other API code which is developed for other specification candidate extension definitions.  This needs the approval of the TC.


I move that the TC approve by unanimous consent requesting OASIS to set up an OASIS Open Repository project named cti-python-stix2-extensions using the following pieces of information:


Purpose Statement: A repository of python-stix2 API code for specification candidate extension definitions.


Initial Maintainers: Rich Piazza, Emily Ratliff


Open Source License: BSD-3-Clause License


GitHub Name: cti-python-stix2-extensions


Short Description: OASIS Python-STIX2 API extensions: a repository for python-stix2 API code developed for specification candidate extension definitions.


If there have been no objections before Friday December 15 at 21:00 UTC (5:00 PM EST), I will submit the form [1] to ask OASIS to create the repository


Thank you,

Rich Piazza


[1] https://www.oasis-open.org/resources/tc-admin-requests/open-repository-request


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