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Subject: Communication from the DITA TC

Hi, DITA Adoption TC.


For the past five or six months, the DITA TC has been discussing a wide array of issues around a public perception that DITA is complex. We have focused much of our attention on a Wiki page titled “What do people mean when they say DITA is complex?” which you can view at http://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/DITA_Perceptions.


This Wiki page includes anecdotes, observations, musings, and attempts to devise concrete solutions. Many of the proposed solutions would need to come from the DITA Adoption TC, for example, a feature article about doctype shells and why companies implementing DITA should develop a doctype shell before specializing, constraining, or out-and-out modifying the OASIS DTDs or XSDs.


In general, we’d like to encourage the DITA Adoption TC to aide us in figuring out how best to address the public perception issue.

Best regards,


Kristen James Eberlein l DITA Architect and Technical Specialist l SDL Structured Content Technologies Division l (t) + 1 (919) 682-2290 l keberlein@sdl.com


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