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dita-adoption message

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Subject: adoption ideas and draft material from the TC

Fellow Adoption TC members
(cc to the TC)

In the DITA TC, we're currently working through our analysis of what
people really mean when they say that "DITA is too complex". That wiki
page is at http://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/DITA_Perceptions

At the bottom is a matrix of identified issues and proposed solutions. A
number of these are clearly adoption issues. The TC discussed today ways
in which we on the TC could help the work of the Adoption TC with these.

Under the "misc."-like rubric "General perception of complexity" we felt
that for issues 11 and 18 the TC might provide a starter set of DTDs and
constraints for the Adoption TC to present and promote. What is needed
is a list of constrained doctypes, or a  model for them. Activities
include bouncing initial design models off constituencies, including
users in different domains, and including the BusDocs SC. 

Issue 10 indicates some confusion about information typing. Don is
available to help with questions that you may have. The DITA maturity
model is an essential framework for organizing and orienting this

Under "Usage patterns and learning" is the proposal of a brief "reading
guide to DITA spec" that correlates features to usage/demographics. It
would be very useful to outline a learning path at each stage of the
maturity model, and give suggestions how to move to the next level.
(Organizations and individuals sometimes get stuck.) Individual TC
members are being encouraged to contribute rough draft material to the
Adoption TC. Stan, Darryl, Kris, and Don have volunteered. These might
be an organized product of a skunkworks effort, or you might receive
some draft material piecemeal. 

Other items in this matrix are Adoption TC matters; these are the ones
we discussed today.


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