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Subject: draft minutes for 20 March 2017 meeting


Below are the draft minutes of our 20 March 2017 meeting. Apologies for my delay in preparing and distributing these.



Meeting of OASIS Lightweight DITA Subcommittee
20 March 2017


Robert Anderson    Member
Don Day    Member
Kristen Eberlein    Member
Carlos Evia    Chair
Mark Giffin    Member
Alan Houser    Member
Michael Priestley    Chair

==Old Business==

Minutes of previous meeting accepted.


No announcements.

==Status of XDITA DTDs==

Github repository: https://github.com/oasis-open/dita-lightweight/tree/master/org.oasis.xdita

Recent modification:

    + Note is now allowed in list items
    + Name changed from org.oasis.lwdita to org.oasis.xdita


Volunteers needed: fnref, specname/outputclass attributes, data element
    allow #PCDATA in <data>?
    allow <data> in more contexts?


    + Will proceed to implement these changes in LwDITA

Request from Carlos Evia:

    Volunteers needed to update DTDs.


Chris Despopoulos' need for "data" element. See https://beta.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/dita-users/conversations/messages/42047 <data> will be outside block/inline distinction. May be metadata or data. Not content.

==Subcommittee review of design document==

Lightweight DITA committee note will be availiable on Congility DITAWeb for review/comment by committee members and stakeholders.

Carlos Evia will open review of LwDITA Design Document.
Prerequisite: Get source changes into SVN

Carlos Evia and Kris Eberlein will coordinate setting up DITAWeb user accounts

==Proposal for MDITA in Core and Extended Profiles==

Carlos Evia presented a proposal to split MDITA into two forms. Based on a discussion with Jarno Elivirt, motivated by mapping Markdown’s capabilities to DITA capabilities.

MDITA “Core” Profile
Supports headings, paragraphs, lists.

MDITA “Extended” Profile
Supports additional DITA features. Add YAML header, etc.

Tables in core? No.

Would GIT-hub flavored Markdown be core or extended?
CE: Core

YAML headers? - Extended.

Will GIThub extensions be included?
Checkbox items?

Question: Do we know what will be in Extended profile?
Answer (Carlos Evia): Need an algorithm for validation. But don’t want to do that in the core.

Q: Is there a way to express an ID?
A (Carlos Evia): Look at how Wikipedia generates ID. Title w/punctuation normalized.

Q: Problem: if you change titles, the ID changes.
Answer (Don Day): Term: sluggify

Question: Tables?: CommonMark Markdown does not support tables. However, GIThub-flavored markdown does.

Question: How will publishing work? Will people have to roll their own publishing engine. Answer: If based on core markdown, publishing should not be a problem. Current markdown publishing toolchains will work.


Extended profile vs Core Profile - great idea.

Motion: Moved to divide MDITA into core and extended profiles, with core based on github-flavored markdown, and extended including YAML headers and raw HDITA.

Amended to include HDITA. Amended motion:
Moved to divide MDITA and HDITA into core and extended profiles, with core based on github-flavored markdown, and extended including YAML headers and raw HDITA.

Motion accepted by acclamation

==Discussion: Updates to Jarno’s Markdown-DITA plugin==

    Now with support for YAML headers.
    Not a product of the subcommittee, but interesting work product.

==Updates to Committee Note Draft==

Carlos Evia: Will update by Friday. Will build PDF now. Final commit will go to DITAweb.

==Discuss John Hunt's draft of a specialization template for learning overview==

Carlos Evia described an example template-based specialization, based on the DITA Learning and Training specialization. History: Developed by John Hunt, Amber Swope, Scott Hudson in 2015.

The example addresses a concern that current LwDITA examples are overly complex.

Should the example be used in a committee note or in the ultimate spec?

Answer: Not this committee note. No specialization in spec.

General discussion followed about LwDITA use cases. Consensus that current marketing specialization example is too complex. The Learning and Training example is not a port, but an appropriate subset that demonstrates the value of LwDITA. Will be used as LwDITA example going forward.

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