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Subject: MEETING MINUTES -- 26 Apr 2005

*** Please see Action Items and Decision Summary at the end *** 

** Agenda **

1. Roll call

2. Review/approve minutes from 19 April:

3. Finish review of "post 1.0" requirements for public review (start
with item 40).

4. More on "OASIS Website" thread?

5. More on "Marketing/Press relations" thread?

6.  AOB

** Minutes **
    Main things for today:
     - Finish review of "post 1.0" requirements for public review.

    1. Roll call
        - We do have quorum!

    2. Review/approve minutes from 19 April:
        - Minutes approved by acclamation.

    3. Discuss different meeting day/time for next phase
        - Decision: No change

    5. Resume review of "post 1.0" requirements for public review.
        - URL:
	Starting with item 40.

	40: Keyref architecture: attempt for DITA 1.1. 

	41: shortdesc: sometimes the first paragraph is too complex for
(e.g.) Hoverhelp.
	42: related to 41
	    * Michael has a proposal and would like to address for DITA
	43: semantic linking
		* semantic phrase level markup as hyperlinks
		* rename to implicit linking
		* thinks that the design is already done
		* creates incentive to use semantic tagging
		* independent of Eliot's issue of managing addressing
	44: modularization of specification
		* optional versus required parts of the specifications
	 	* Treat this as a process question for now.
	45: issues of context
		* potentially a best practice rather than a design
		* let's deal with it as a documentation issue until
proven otherwise
	46: an exclusion facility would be helpful
		* related to issue 39 "Integration of domain elements
with structural elements of the topic"
		* also issues of "replacement" domains that replace
structural elements
		* may need to leave aside backwards-incompatible parts
of the problem
	47: duplicate to issue 29
		* remove from list
	48: related to bookmap
		* remove from list
	New issue: Imagemap is in utilities domain: should it stay
		* probably not a 1.1 issue because (garbled)

	Process issues:
		* module registry and module standardization process
			* to be addressed soon -- Action for Don Day
		* language review of existing constructs for well-formed
definition and formal completeness
			* want to standardize application of features to
			* Action for Bruce E: come up with a couple of
examples for an upcoming meeting
		* administrative choice of IPR mode:
			* when to do this
			* we have two years to do so -- defer
		* Review of recursiveness in DITA DTDs in specific cases
			* explanation of why recursive elements are
			* spec update for 1.1
		* Change history and annotations support in DITA: 
			* Call this a design issue and add it to the
keepers for design list

	Three more issues raised lately:
	1. indextermref
	2. substeps also used as steps elsewhere
	3. structured sections
	* these will be added to the list by acclamation

	* two week review period
		* will allow people to add to the list
		* publish to "DITA Users" mailing list
	* accepted by acclamation

** Summary of Decisions **
    - Decided on process for external review
    - Decided on the 1.1 issues list -- Issues 40 through end-- see
      in minutes, above.

** Action Required ** 
    022 Don, Michael -- Put together a "self-study" tutorial/demo,
        as per JoAnn's comments regarding the DITA sessions.  Still
        pending as of 7/20/04.

    062 Eric Sirois, 10/05/04 -- provide XSLT validation for
        specialized schemas once developed (Indi recommends Jarno to
        work with him) >>> 1/25/05 -- this will be an ongoing
        project; the 1.0 spec does not depend on this.

    079 Don Day, 2/8/05 -- Ask Mary Macrae about several issues -- 
            - How can the public submit comments on the CD?  Can we
              get a mailing list set up?  etc.
            - What are the constraints for the final format of the

    080 All, 2/8/05 -- Remove comments from the CD.

    081 All, 2/8/05 -- Will there be a .chm version of the CD files?

    082 All, 3/8/05 -- Submit comments to Michael Priestley on the
        Architecture Specification.

    085 Michael Priestley, 3/15/05 -- provide the HTML format as
        part of the spec (to be done after the submission).
    086 Who?, 3/15/05 -- Need to submit the committee draft 2 to the
        OASIS administration for approval.

    087 3/29/05 -- Ask JoAnn Hackos if she wants to continue
        in her role as co-Editor with Michael Priestley.

    090 4/26/05 -- Bruce Esrig to come up with examples of formal
completeness issues
		*e.g. features spplied to some elements but not all

    091 (placeholder)

** Issues to be Resolved ** 
    009 "Best Practices" document -- Let's put this on the agenda
        for future discussion.

    010 Relationship between DITA and other topic-based
        architectures (such as S1000D) -- Need to incorporate this
        into the "Best Practices" document.

    012 All, 2/8/05 -- Decide how to manage incoming comments
        resulting from the Public Review of the Committee Draft.

    013 Need volunteer to find mentions of "post 1.0" deferred items
        -- need to rank by priority and difficulty) solid things for
        1.1; medium effort design work candidates for 1.2; big items
        for 2.0 in minutes (3/8/05).

    014 (3/29/05) Need list of possible "triage" criteria for
        deciding how to prioritize new requirements.  Don read
        a list of possible criteria at the 3/29/05 meeting.  To be
        discussed and resolved at the next meeting.

    015 (4/26/05) Module registry and module standardization process


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