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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: XSL for RTF or Word!!/Fwd: Re: XML and Technical Writing

Hello Ali

this might be of some interest to you ;-)


----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
Subject: Re: XML and Technical Writing
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 02:11:03 -0800
From: "Christopher R. Maden" <crism@LEXICA.NET>

At 12:24 3-11-2000 +0530, madhu wrote:
>Having a peek at the source XML markup should be the most interesting feature
>if that is possible.even a part of it but  i understand the book is for
>sale so
><sigh> asking too much i guess.
>but atleast the custom tools used for rendering unto PDF is it posible to get
>some more details on that atleast. since i have used docbook to convert a book
>about 600 pages(in word) the HTML output is extremely good but PDF well!

I don't know what was actually used to produce Steve's book, but I know he
saw some initial drafts produced using
<URL:http://www.oreilly.com/%7Ecrism/dsssl/orastyle/>, which requires Jade,
OpenJade, or another DSSSL engine, and FrameMaker to actually render the

Christopher R. Maden, Senior XML Analyst, Lexica LLC
222 Kearny St., Ste. 202, San Francisco, CA 94108-4510
+1.415.901.3631 tel./+1.415.477.3619 fax
<URL:http://www.lexica.net/> <URL:http://www.oreilly.com/%7Ecrism/>

                To tread the sharp edge of a sword
                To run on smooth-frozen ice,
                One needs no footsteps to follow.
                Walk over the cliffs with hands free.


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