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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Bibliography management/BibTex equivalent

RefDB can do precisely this. It has an input filter for raw DocBook
bibliographies (with some constraints, as the DocBook markup is not
rich enough to handle various reference types, so you have to use a
few attributes in a way RefDB understands) and can emit cooked DocBook
bibliographies based on:

- the citations in your document
- a bibliography and citation style defined as a XML document

An added benefit is that the references are stored in a database, so
you need to write them only once, and you don't have to copy them
around to each document that uses them. Essentially the same thing as
you do with BibTeX databases, but more scalable. I never thought about
it this way, but essentially RefDB *is* BibTeX for markup languages.


Norman Walsh writes:
 > I think what's needed here is the equivalent of a BibTeX for DocBook.
 > That is, something that takes biblioentry's and a style and produces
 > bibliomixed's. I think that's a lot saner than trying to get the
 > stylesheets to do it all.

Markus Hoenicka

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