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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: dsssl 1.76 print: programlistingco's verbatim-font-sizediffs to programlisting's

If in <programlisting> width="some-value" is specified, it won't be 
rendered the same way having the <programlisting> within <programlistingco> 
as without <programlistingco> as parent: the verbatim font size doesn't get 
smaller with wider widths.

So I changed the following in my print/dbcallou.dsl:

(define ($callout-verbatim-display$ indent line-numbers?)
;aumueller: inserted from dbverb.dsl
   (let* ((width-in-chars (if (attribute-string (normalize "width"))
			     (string->number (attribute-string (normalize "width")))
	 (fsize (lambda () (if (or (attribute-string (normalize "width"))
				   (not %verbatim-size-factor%))
			       (/ (/ (- %text-width% (inherited-start-indent))
			       (* (inherited-font-size)
	 (vspace (if (INBLOCK?)
		     (if (INLIST?)

;aumueller: remove the old stuff
;  (let* ((width-in-chars (if (attribute-string "width")
;			     (string->number (attribute-string "width"))
;			     80)) ;; seems like a reasonable default...
;	 (fsize (lambda () (if %verbatim-size-factor%
;			       (* (inherited-font-size) %verbatim-size-factor%)
;			       (/ (/ (- %text-width% (inherited-start-indent))
;				     width-in-chars) 0.7)))))

     (make paragraph
	  space-before: (if (INLIST?) %para-sep% %block-sep%)
	  space-after:  (if (INLIST?) %para-sep% %block-sep%)
	  font-family-name: %mono-font-family%
	  font-size: (fsize)
	  font-weight: 'medium
	  font-posture: 'upright
	  line-spacing: (* (fsize) %line-spacing-factor%)
	  start-indent: (inherited-start-indent)
	  lines: 'asis
           input-whitespace-treatment: 'preserve
	  quadding: 'start
	  ($callout-linespecific-content$ indent line-numbers?))))
) ;aumueller

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