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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Duplicate ID in FO-File

/ Bob Stayton <bobs@caldera.com> was heard to say:
| Yes, it appears to be a bug in 1.50.0.  Your document
| works in 1.49 and 1.50beta.  Looking at the fo output
| there are several duplicate TOC ids.  I can't pin down
| the location of the bug yet, though.

I don't know why 1.49 doesn't cause the problem. In any event, I'm
reasonably confident that the problem is this: each entry in the TOC
needs an ID so that the PDF bookmark stuff can point to it. But when
you have sets of books (and presumably chapter TOCs in books) some
titles appear in more than one TOC. But the code that manufactures an
ID for the TOC element isn't sensitive about the context it appears
in, so the same ID gets generated more than once.

Fixing this will have to wait until I return from vacation, sorry.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | Virtuous people often revenge
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | themselves for the constraints to
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | which they submit by the boredom
                                   | which they inspire.--Gustave Le Bon

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