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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Yet more confusion over strings and objects in Lisp.

I solved that last problem (had to do a test to see if a sosofo was 
empty), but now I'm onto this challenge...

dbnavig.dsl generates the following at the top of my example pages 

  Chapter 1. Foreword
  <HR ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="100%">

This looks just fine when there is text such as "Chapter 1. 
Foreward", but when there isn't, I obviously get:

  <HR ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="100%">

And it looks pretty dumb to have a horizontal rule across the top of 
my page without anything to separate.  How do I conditionally remove 
this HR?

The HTML is generated by the following:

(make element gi: "DIV"
  attributes: '(("CLASS" "NAVHEADER"))
  (nav-context elemnode)
  (make empty-element gi: "HR"
    attributes: (list
    (list "ALIGN" "LEFT")
    (list "WIDTH" %gentext-nav-tblwidth%))))

and I tried replacing it with:

(make element gi: "DIV"
  attributes: '(("CLASS" "NAVHEADER"))
  (nav-context elemnode)
  (if (string=? (nav-context elemnode) "") (empty-sosofo)
    (make empty-element gi: "HR"
      attributes: (list
      (list "ALIGN" "LEFT")
      (list "WIDTH" %gentext-nav-tblwidth%)))))

But this doesn't make it happy because (nav-context elemnode) is not 
a string, it's an object.  So I get the following error:

jade:HTML.dsl\dbnavig.dsl:828:4:E: 1st argument for primitive 
"string=?" of wrong type: "#<unknown object 26537360>" not a string

The only other test I know is node-list-empty? and that doesn't seem 
to apply to objects either.

What's the correct way to compare (nav-context elemnode) against ""?


Gre7g Luterman   gre7g@wolfhome.com  http://www.templeofluna.com/
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