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Subject: Using a XSL call template to a SVG for a background-image

Title: KCC Stationery
Hello all,
I would like to have an <fo:block background-image=""/> where the background image goes to a template in my XSLFO that contains an SVG.  Is this possible?
What I'm trying to do is have the docbook XSL header.content contain a background image...
Below is some code:
XSLT: (this is currently calling an external image for its background)...but I want it to use the template below:

<fo:block background-image="url({$graphics.path}{$header.image.filename})" background-repeat="no-repeat" background-position-horizontal="center" background-position-vertical="bottom" padding-bottom="30pt">


<xsl:when test="$double.sided != 0 and

($sequence = 'even' or $sequence = 'last'

$sequence = 'blank' ) and $position='left'">

<fo:block padding-top="0pt" >

<xsl:apply-templates select="self::chapter/title" mode="title.markup"/>



<xsl:when test="$double.sided != 0 and

($sequence = 'odd') and $position='right' ">

<fo:block padding-top="0pt" >

<xsl:apply-templates select="self::chapter/title" mode="title.markup"/>






<xsl:template name="svg.header">



<svg:svg width="522" height="26.25" viewBox="0 0 522 26.25" id="autocar_header" xml:space="preserve">

<svg:g id="Layer_1">

<svg:line fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1.98" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="0" y1="15.286" x2="522" y2="15.286" id="line7" style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1.98000002;stroke-miterlimit:10"/>

<svg:rect width="522" height="1.98" x="0" y="10.276" style="fill:#870000" id="rect9"/>

<svg:rect width="60.299999" height="26.219999" x="232.02" y="0.016000001" style="fill:#ffffff" id="rect11"/>

<svg:path d="M 281.413,4.492 L 292.298,4.506 L 292.298,21.832 L 281.313,21.832 C 281.313,21.832 275.551,26.25 261.612,26.25 C 247.673,26.25 241.724,21.846 241.724,21.846 L 231.998,21.846 L 231.998,4.492 L 241.681,4.492 C 241.681,4.492 248.151,0 261.178,0 C 275.073,0 281.413,4.492 281.413,4.492" style="fill:#231f20" id="path13"/>

<svg:path d="M 291.415,5.349 L 291.386,5.32 L 281.138,5.32 C 281.138,5.32 275.001,0.901 261.627,0.901 C 247.905,0.901 242.029,5.32 242.029,5.32 L 232.881,5.32 L 232.823,20.989 L 241.971,20.989 C 241.971,20.989 247.905,25.437 261.598,25.437 C 275.291,25.437 281.167,20.989 281.167,20.989 L 291.415,20.989 L 291.415,5.349 M 280.82,19.826 C 280.82,19.826 274.827,24.274 261.974,24.274 C 247.818,24.274 242.318,19.826 242.318,19.826 L 234.01,19.797 L 234.01,6.512 L 242.318,6.512 C 242.318,6.512 248.194,2.064 261.598,2.064 C 275.001,2.064 280.791,6.512 280.791,6.512 L 290.344,6.512 L 290.344,19.797 L 280.82,19.826 z " style="fill:#ffffff" id="path15"/>

<svg:line fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="0.4071" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="249.41" y1="19.941999" x2="273.87201" y2="19.941999" id="line17" style="fill:none;stroke:#ffffff;stroke-width:0.40709999;stroke-miterlimit:10"/>

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<svg:path d="M 262.432,16.944 C 260.497,16.944 259.339,15.275 259.339,13.172 C 259.339,10.652 260.659,10.006 261.817,10.006 C 263.469,10.006 264.768,11.412 264.768,13.678 C 264.768,16.6 263.137,16.944 262.432,16.944 M 262.009,17.45 C 264.567,17.45 266.179,15.619 266.179,13.303 C 266.179,10.986 264.618,9.519 262.109,9.519 C 259.087,9.519 257.949,11.755 257.949,13.485 C 257.949,15.275 259.117,17.45 262.009,17.45 z " style="fill:#ffffff" id="path27"/>

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<svg:path d="M 283.015,10.319 C 283.015,10.237 283.036,10.197 283.107,10.177 C 283.208,10.146 283.388,10.136 283.64,10.136 C 284.235,10.136 285.181,10.551 285.181,11.988 C 285.181,12.817 284.889,13.282 284.587,13.505 C 284.406,13.636 284.274,13.677 283.871,13.677 C 283.62,13.677 283.317,13.646 283.106,13.576 C 283.035,13.545 283.014,13.505 283.014,13.394 L 283.014,10.319 M 281.826,14.375 C 281.826,15.306 281.826,16.105 281.776,16.53 C 281.736,16.823 281.685,17.046 281.484,17.086 C 281.392,17.106 281.272,17.127 281.121,17.127 C 281,17.127 280.96,17.157 280.96,17.208 C 280.96,17.278 281.031,17.309 281.162,17.309 C 281.564,17.309 282.199,17.278 282.391,17.278 C 282.542,17.278 283.287,17.309 283.871,17.309 C 284.002,17.309 284.073,17.278 284.073,17.208 C 284.073,17.157 284.032,17.127 283.952,17.127 C 283.831,17.127 283.609,17.106 283.458,17.086 C 283.156,17.046 283.096,16.823 283.066,16.53 C 283.014,16.105 283.014,15.306 283.014,14.365 L 283.014,14.223 C 283.014,14.163 283.044,14.142 283.095,14.142 L 283.971,14.163 C 284.042,14.163 284.102,14.173 284.154,14.234 C 284.285,14.385 284.748,15.073 285.151,15.63 C 285.714,16.408 286.097,16.884 286.531,17.117 C 286.793,17.258 287.045,17.309 287.609,17.309 L 288.566,17.309 C 288.687,17.309 288.757,17.289 288.757,17.208 C 288.757,17.157 288.716,17.127 288.636,17.127 C 288.555,17.127 288.465,17.117 288.353,17.096 C 288.203,17.066 287.79,16.995 287.225,16.408 C 286.631,15.781 285.937,14.881 285.039,13.748 C 286.056,12.918 286.369,12.23 286.369,11.482 C 286.369,10.804 285.966,10.288 285.683,10.096 C 285.139,9.722 284.464,9.661 283.829,9.661 C 283.516,9.661 282.751,9.691 282.409,9.691 C 282.197,9.691 281.562,9.661 281.029,9.661 C 280.878,9.661 280.806,9.681 280.806,9.752 C 280.806,9.823 280.867,9.843 280.978,9.843 C 281.119,9.843 281.29,9.853 281.372,9.873 C 281.704,9.944 281.784,10.106 281.805,10.45 C 281.825,10.774 281.825,11.057 281.825,12.595 L 281.825,14.375 L 281.826,14.375 z " style="fill:#ffffff" id="path33"/>



David White
Ken Cook Co.,
Content Management
tel: 414.847.1322

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