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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Rendering PNG Images Using Various FO Tools

Hi Harry,

I can’t reproduce your problem. The FO file rendered fine with both
FOP 0.94 and FOP 0.95beta.
Since your issue is FOP-specific, I suggest you to post another sample
XSL-FO file and a PNG image to the fop-users mailing list [1], if you
still have troubles. People will also better be able to help you on this


[1] http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/maillist.html#fop-user

Harry Goldschmitt wrote:
> At 2:02 PM -0700 4/16/08, Harry Goldschmitt wrote:
>> I've been struggling for almost a week trying to create PDF output
>> from fo files with PNG images in them.  I know that fop 0.94 can
>> handle certain PNGs, since some of my PNGs and the annotation PNGs
>> work.  Unfortunately, many of them don't.  I've also tried fop
>> 0.95beta1, with similar results.
>> The PNGs display fine in browsers, when I convert to html, and with
>> the ImageMagick display command, XnView and Graphic Convertor on my Mac.
>> The PNGs were generated by various authors, so I can't easily recreate
>> them with another tool.  I have been able to create my PDF by first
>> converting the PNGs to PDFs using ImageMagick convert and then using
>> RenderX's XEP to process the fo.  Unfortunately, the free version of
>> XEP stamps the bottom of each page.  I've tried editing and saving
>> with XnView.
>> I've tried converting the PNGs to BMPs, JPGs, GIFs, TIFFs, EPSs and
>> SVGs (inkscape).
>> I'm also trying to use the xfc-42p1 fo2rtf command with similar
>> results, except it can't handle PDF files.
>> What I'd like, ideally, is a canned convert command to process the
>> PNGs so they can be handled by both fop and fo2rtf.
>> I've tried assorted convert commands like
>> convert -flatten
>> with no luck.
>> I've also tried comparing PNGs fop is having problems with to those
>> that it doesn't using identify and pngcheck.  There are differences,
>> but when I try to use convert to fix them it doesn't seem to help.
>> Harry
> Since I've had so many responses to this, I thought I'd add a tarball
> with what I'm trying to do.
> Harry

Vincent Hennebert                            Anyware Technologies
http://people.apache.org/~vhennebert         http://www.anyware-tech.com
Apache FOP Committer                         FOP Development/Consulting

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