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Subject: USLegal portrait printing

I'm attempting to transform a pdf to US legal size paper via Oxygen v 13 using Saxon6.5.5 and 1.76.1 style-sheets.
If anyone can give me directions on how to do this I would appreciate.
I have been able to create a transformation scenario with Oxygen Docbook PDF Legal and changed the paper.type parameter to USlegal8.5inx14in, but the output remains USletter size.
As well I changed page.height to the following:
  <xsl:when test="$page.orientation = 'portrait'">
    <xsl:value-of select="USlegal'">14in</xsl:value-of select>

In searching through the docbook parameters USlegal is not entered where I would have expected to find it (not entered in page.width.portrait).  USletter but not always USlegal.

With thanks

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