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docbook-apps message

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Subject: PDF Cutomization

Hello folks,

Many times ago I tried to add variables text in my genereted PDF.

I found simple workaroud: use --stringparam with xsltproc and -param with XEP (which is the one I use).

So I call xep like that:

xep -xsl myStylesheet.xsl -xml myFile.xml -param buyer.name="John Doe" -pdf /tmp/dummy.pdf

Inside myStyleSheet.xsl I defined a default value for buyer.name

<xsl:variable name="buyer.name" select="nobody nobody"/>

And i use it in a template

<xsl:template name="generated.for">
		<xsl:text>This PDF was generated for </xsl:text>
		<xsl:value-fo select="$buyer.name"/>

It had worked. But since I updated XEP to 4.19, It does not work anymore, every time I found nobody nobody instead of John Doe.

Is any one could help me?


Thanks in advance,

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