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Subject: Re: combined CALS/HTML table model

At 19:14 2003 03 19 -0800, Bob Stayton wrote:
>I'm still not able to post to docbook-tc.
>Is it working for others?  Anyway, this
>message is mostly for Paul.

I'm replying to the list--not sure it will work, but we'll see.

>Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 17:11:05 -0800
>From: Bob Stayton <bobs@sco.com>
>To: docbook-tc@lists.oasis-open.org
>Subject: combined table model
>I would like to go over the combined HTML/CALS table
>model again in detail.  In your message from April 2002:
>(has it really been that long?), you attached
>a zip file that contained a proposed DTD mod for
>the combined table models.  Is that the last 
>version you did?  I see that it is based on DocBook 4.1.2
>instead of 4.2 (it's missing blockinfo and
>textobject, for example).

Yes, this is the relevant message and is the latest.

I just checked it against 4.2, and it compiles, but there may
be things in these modules that will need to be updated for 4.2
(I haven't looked into it).

The way I "modularized" things was designed to highlight the 
"pedigree" of the code and allow it to work with a minimum of 
changes to the original modules, and I'm not suggesting that 
is the way to organize it if/when we put this into DocBook.

I did use an SGML/XML parser, so my code does have one non-XML
SGML-ism in it.  In bothtables.mod, the defn of %Flow; needs
to have an asterisk added after the close paren to make it XML.


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