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Subject: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while using adjustColumnWidths DocBook extension

I am using the Docbook XSL v1.65 in Saxon environment, I have also set
the use.extensions=1 for FO output from Docbook. As a requirement of
using saxon extensions I have provided the saxon extension jar
(extensions/saxon651.jar) in my classpath.

When I run the FO transformation it gives me :
xslts\docbook\fo\table.xsl:200: Fatal Error! Exception in extension
function java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0

and the line number 200 in table.xsl file is:
 <xsl:copy-of select="stbl:adjustColumnWidths($colspecs)"/>

Anyone has experienced such problem earlier? Is it a known problem or
anything that I need to correct in my usage of extension functions.

Anup Rav.

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