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Subject: Re: [docbook] keycap vs keysym

Markus Hoenicka wrote:

>> C-x w r    means  unhighlight-regexp
>> <keycombo> seems wrong with the combinations?
>> <keycombo>C-x</keycombo><userinput>w r</
> My gut feeling is that in this case "w r" should not be treated as 
> userinput, but as keypresses that belong to a command sequence. This is 
> different from pressing M-x, which gets you into a command prompt in the 
> minibuffer. So, the former should be like (leaving out the attribute 
> tinsel):
> <keycombo><keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>x</keycap></keycombo><keycap>w</keycap><keycap 
>  >r</keycap>

With the hyphen being in the presentation layer. OK, C-x is a valid 
w r?

"Keypresses that belong to a command sequence".
Thomas also marked it as a command. 'An emacs command'

<keycombo action="seq">
     <keycombo action="press">
       <keycap function="control">Ctrl</keycap>

from Thomas does look right (but very complicated :-)

    <keycap function="meta">M</keycap>

Also works with similar logic, except that I'd prefer them to be in a 
single wrapper element (hence my query on the content model, not as is,
but should it be extended).

> whereas I'd write the latter as:
> <keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>x</keycap></keycombo><keycap>revert-buffer</keycap> 

Nitpicking, but I'd object to <keycap>revert-buffer</keycap>
since there is no such key?


Dave Pawson
XSLT, XSL-FO and Docbook FAQ

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