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Subject: [dsml] Fwd: RE: DSML Process Questions


Attached is Karl's responses to our questions. (see attached) The
number of votes that we need are not as bad as I thought, but we need to
make sure that all of our members vote.

Secondly, he agrees that the best we can do to preserve DSML V1 is to
approve it as a Committee Specification. So I will send out a ballot for
an official vote.



> 1. As we a getting close to end of voting for DSML V2, what is need to
> get final approval and what can we , the DSTC, do to assist in getting
> the required votes?

There's not much, if anything, that you can do other than urge your own
members to vote. The review period ends at the end of March, and voting
is during the month of April. I will be sending out reminders to the
general membership, and will mention that questions can be asked via the
comment list etc. Given that approval of the spec requires 10% of
members, which translates into ~20 member orgs that must vote in favour,
then you should urge your TC member companies to vote.

> 2. As you may be aware the DSML V1 spec was submitted to OASIS back in
> December of 1999 and was never taken forward to a full
> specification. We
> would like to maintain it as a historical specification, as
> many members
> have implemented. So should we go ahead and approve it as a Committee
> Specification, but NOT take it to OASIS standards track so that it an
> remains published? We only really want to have DSML V2 supported as it
> supercedes V1.

That's probably the best suggestion. I saw the discussion a couple weeks
ago on the list about what to do about v1. For OASIS to preserve v1 in
any sort of form it would have to be approved by the TC, so that's
probably the best way to do it: approve v1 as a TC spec but don't submit
it to members, as v2 is the latest version.

Karl F. Best
OASIS - Director, Technical Operations
+1 978.667.5115 x206
karl.best@oasis-open.org  http://www.oasis-open.org

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