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Subject: RE: [dss] Timestamping

At 10:49 AM 3/24/2003 -0500, Robert Zuccherato wrote:

>If a Review Authority is signing documents to signify approval, then I would
>argue that this is a form of agreeing with the content of the document.

What if he signs the document to indicate disapproval - i.e. he attaches a 
signed attribute saying "This document is absolutely unacceptable!  I 
disagree with it in the strongest possible terms, and I certainly wouldn't 
have originated such an abomination!"

I'm saying this would be a valid use of a DSIG - a DSIG is just a 
keyholder's way of saying something (anything!) about a document.  If I 
understand your position, you would disagree, and want this type of 
assertion in a <ReviewInfo> structure, analogous to a <TimeStampInfo>, 
since a DSIG should only be used where the intended semantics is "I agree 
with and/or originate this document"?


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