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Subject: RE: [dss] Groups - dss-requirements-1.0-draft-02.doc uploaded

Wouldn't a hash of the stylesheet included as part of the signed data suffice to identify the stylesheet?

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Trevor Perrin <trevp@trevp.net>
Date:  Tue, 25 Mar 2003 12:42:09 -0800

>At 12:37 PM 3/25/2003 -0800, Trevor Perrin wrote:
>>Right, but then I think you need to sign both the XML *and* the 
>>transformed, human-readable form.
>For example, an XML-DSIG could have 2 references, both to the same 
>document, one of which applies a transform to make it human-readable, the 
>other of which doesn't.
>So the transforms (in this and other cases) still might need to be 
>protected.  But that raises another question about this use case - is the 
>best way to do this by putting the transforms in a ds:Manifiest?  I would 
>say it's better to include them as a signed attribute, so you're guaranteed 
>that they're verified by a relying party.

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