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Subject: RE: [dss] Groups - dss-requirements-1.0-draft-02.doc uploaded

> As I understand it, Rich Salz just did an XML-DSIG interop report for
> the W3C XML-DSIG list.

Yes, I just reported where our product
(http:www.datapower.com/products/xs40.html) conforms.

As long as you understand what XML DSIG and XML C14N do, it works.  It
works perfectly.  It doesn't allow you to add whitespace in elements.
It shouldn't; that's *changing the XML content.*  It does handle folks
who input XML, create a DOM, and then output it.

As long as your input document(s) are
        XML, transformed through some kind of C14N
        Immutable binary, treated as octets or base64'd

XML DSIG works.  Is HTML immutable binary?  Experience shows not, but if
the WG wants to treat it as if it is, then we need to make sure the
spec has the appropriate caveats.

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