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Subject: Re: [ebxml-bp] ebXML Business Processes XML instance document for execution?

In my opinion, the BPSS instance document should contain enough information 
to be executable.  I believe that that has always been the intent of the 
ebXML side of things.  Strictly speaking, "executable" is the wrong term. 
The BPSS instance document should be able to be deployed into the runtime 
system.  In other words, the BPSS document should be able to be used to 
configure the runtime system to execute and monitor the business process 
that it describes.  That's the same idea as deploying the CPA into the 
runtime system to configure it for doing business between the two partners 
that agreed to that CPA.  Such a runtime system is sometimes referred to as 
a BSI (business service interface) in ebXML lingo.


At 01:15 AM 11/2/2003 -0700, Sacha Schlegel wrote:
>Coming backwards from a CPA (sample Negotiation CPA) to the ebXML
>Business Process (sample Negotiation Business Process) I thought that
>the BP XML Instance document should have enough information to be
>But for some reasons I now think that I misunderstand.
>Any hints where to catch up on ebXML BPSS, what it is and what it isn't?
>Kind regards.
>Sacha Schlegel
>PS: I admit that I did not read any BPEL (or XLANG, WSFL) or
>WS-Orchestration specification but the ebXML BPSS 1.0
>Sacha                                   Schlegel
>4 Warwick Str, 6102 St. James, Perth,  Australia
>sacha@schlegel.li                www.schlegel.li
>public key:            www.schlegel.li/sacha.gpg

Martin Sachs
standards architect
Cyclone Commerce

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