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ebxml-bp message

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Subject: BPSS 1.01 XML Schema element referencing with id and name issue

Hi bp group

Studing the BPSS XML Schema from the "ebXML Business Process
Specification Version 1.01" I came across the following issue:

Whenever an element X references another element Y there is a) the name
(required) of element Y AND b) the ID (optional) of element Y given as
an attribute of the X element.

Sample from 1.01 Appendix A:

....actually the sample bpss of 1.01 does not use ID's at all but only

Looking at the 1.1 BPSS still the name attribute and the ID attribute
are in elements.

To me, only the ID attribute makes sense as with the ID I can get to the
name of the element. Or even having only one, the ID or the name. Having
both, the name AND ID, this invites to have logically invalid BPSS XML
instance documents.

If this issue has been addressed in a post 1.01 version then please
ignore this email.

Kind regards.


Sacha                                   Schlegel
4 Warwick Str, 6102 St. James, Perth,  Australia
sacha@schlegel.li                www.schlegel.li
public key:            www.schlegel.li/sacha.gpg

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