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Subject: [RSD] Name and NameID;

Title: [RSD] Name and NameID;

Discussion|oasis.ebBP.Name and NameID;
Topic|WI 43;
Point|I have come to the conclusion on this debate that we should have three items for those portions of the BPSS that can be referenced externally.

1) name - human readable and as unique in the context as possible - optional
2) nameID - an XMl ID that is unique within the current BPSS excluding includes - mandatory
3) externalID - which is is a unique reference for this item that can be referred to by external tools.  This would be what the CPP/A would hook into. -mandatory

For all non externally referenced objects we should just have name and nameID with nameID as mandatory.

I feel this is the way to go as there seemed to be two requirements that the GUID was trying to cover.  Uniqueness within the XML document and convenient linking reference for external 'tools'  By using GUID we ruled out the benefit that XMl provides in the ID, IDREF capability and I feel we should use this for internal links and not the externalID which would only be used by external documents, via Xlink, Xpointer?

This leaves the question of includes and the nameID resolution.  I have no easy answer to this.  The question is for tools is how does the include work via local nameID or externalID.  My temptation is the link should be via the externalID into included documents.


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