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Subject: [ebBP] 2/16/2004: URN Requirement and WI 7 [RSD]


||Link to:
||Topic|Work Item 7 Versioning;
||Point|OASIS URNs;

Team, we need to decide when we discuss Work Item 7 today about URN and 
URLs. In addition note, input from Martin Roberts this morning. Thanks.
martin.me.roberts@bt.com wrote:

>This is for the namespace of the BPSS schema.  Kenji is suggesting a urn
>based as per the RIM and other Oasis projects use a URL http://...  I
>have been in touch with Eve Maler to find out what a resolvable Oasis
>URL for schemas should be and also if there is a web site for us to load
>such a schema.  Apparently Eduardo G has taken this up with the Mgt.
>Martin Roberts 
>xml designer, 
>BT Exact
>e-mail: martin.me.roberts@bt.com 
>tel: +44(0) 1473 609785  clickdial
>fax: +44(0) 1473 609834
>Intranet Site :http://twiki.btlabs.bt.co.uk/twiki
||Topic|Work Item 7 Versioning;
||Point|OASIS URNs;
||Hi All,

||Nikora kindly reminded me of the OASIS URNs. Thanks.
||Per RFC 3121 <ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc3121.txt> "A URN 
Namespace for OASIS",  targetNamespace for BPSS 2.0 schema will be:
||Hi Kanji,
||Here is how ebXML Registry uses OASIS URNs for namespaces:
||As you can see it is conformant to OASIS URN, and at the same time 
||the version of the spec
||-----Original Message-----
||From: Kenji Nagahashi [mailto:nagahashi@fla.fujitsu.com] Sent: Monday, 
February 02, 2004 5:34 PM
||Cc: ebXML BP
||Subject: Re: [ebxml-bp] 2/2/2004: Evolving Versioning Requirements - Work
||Item 7 Addl
||Dear All,
||About Work Item 7, Versioning:
||I reviewed work item 7 to find original issue raised by Michael Wang 
was about "versioning of BPSS XSD schema".
||Mike's point was that BPSS specification should use different 
namespace URI for different version of schema. I think this is quite 
easy to address. Here are some ||observations:
||- BPSS 1.05 uses namespace URI "http://www.ebxml.org/BusinessProcess";.
||- CPPA 2.0 uses 
||If CPPA is following OASIS convention (Do we have such a thing?), 
naturally we would use
||for BPSS 2.0. I believe this resolves the work item 7 and we can close 
it if everyone agrees.
||And, if I understand right, recent discussions on versioning is 
completely different from this work item 7. It was not about versioning 
of BPSS specification itself, but|| about versioning of business process 
description written in BPSS. We should add another work item for this 
issue, I suppose. I'll post another message to ||describe this new work 
||Let me know if I missing something here. Thanks.
||Monica J. Martin wrote:
||Discussion|oasis.ebBP; Topic|Work Item 7 Versioning; 
Point|Requirements identification; mm1@ Kenji: We discussed last week
||about versioning.  It appears we have a few evolving requirements 
related to versioning, and our work may complement: * To identify and
||make available key BPSS elements * To support the identification of 
the process description (specification) * To support the identification 
of the computable ||process description (schema) * To support any 
alignment to the ebXML set of specifications
||I'd encourage others to comment or revise above. Thanks. @mm1
||Point|Other potential business requirements; mm1@
||The potential exists to have requirements to reconcile instances and 
namespaces. This was discussed mid-last week in another ebXML forum. 
This may apply to ||BPSS instances, fragments, elements or the process 


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