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Subject: Pattern Properties

Title: Pattern Properties

<<bta_pr2.gif>> <<bta_pr1.gif>>

Dear all,
        Attached are the two tables that give the various properties of the transaction patterns that are defined for BPSS.  The reason for sending them is that I am not sure the values of the properties make much sense. For example:

        Request/Confirm in the Request Authorization is false in Response it is True?  If you look at the tables you will see a number of these inconsistencies.  What do we do about them as we were intending to add the patterns to the schemas.  DO we work of these blindly or change the values as we see fit?

Martin Roberts
xml designer,
BT Exact
e-mail: martin.me.roberts@bt.com
tel: +44(0) 1473 609785 
fax: +44(0) 1473 609834
Intranet Site :
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