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Subject: Re: [ebxml-bp] [Fwd: [ebxml-bp-comment] Public Comment]

>5.4   How to design collaborations and transactions, re-using at design time
At design time, an assembly metadata (collection of data elements) is 
referred to as the payoad.  At Runtime, the value is over written by the 
CPA by referencing the token name of the transaction payload with an 
actual schema.

>5.4.2   Specify a binary collaboration
Not quite sure what the question is but it may be by using a combination 
of BPSS, CPA and payload documents.  Can be represented in UML or XML.  

>  Key Semantics of a Binary Collaboration
The BPSS specification should provide the semantics for each element, 
attribute used in a BPSS instance.  The semantics of the payloads are 
defined by deriving a BIE from a core component, constraining it by 8 
context category classifications.

>When performing a Binary Collaboration within a Binary Collaboration there is an implicit relationship between the roles at the two levels. Assume that Binary Collaboration X is performing Binary Collaboration Y through Collaboration Activity Q. Binary Collaboration X has Authorized roles Customer and Vendor. In Collaboration Activity Q we assign Customer to be the initiator, and Vendor to be the responder. Binary Collaboration X has Authorized roles Buyer and Seller and a Business Transaction Activity where Buyer is the initiator and Seller the responder. We have now established a role relationship between the roles Customer and Buyer because they are both initiators in activities in the related performing and performed Binary Collaborations.  
See my comments from 2001 regarding establishing role limits.  This was 
a problem with 1.01.

>7.  ebXML Business Process Specification Schema – (DTD)

>7.1  Documentation for the DTD
THe specification????

>[DN] everything from here down is deprecated since 2001.
>l.)	DTD Declaration:
><!ELEMENT BusinessDocument  (Documentation*) >
>/* the elementname here may be changed into DocumentSubstitution*/
><!ATTLIST DocumentSubstitution
>originalBusinessDocument CDATA #IMPLIED
>originalBusinessDocumentID IDREF #IMPLIED
>substituteBusinessDocument CDATA #IMPLIED
>substituteBusinessDocumentId IDREF #IMPLIED
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Senior Standards Strategist
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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