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ebxml-cppa-comment message

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Subject: [ebXML] ebBP Editor & CPP/CPA

  Dear Sir/ Madame,
  My name is Claudia-Melania Chituc and I am PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering in Portugal.
  As part of my PhD work, I intend to develop an application based on ebXML. For the moment, I am trying to understand other open source developments. I have downloaded ebBP Editor & CPP (from http://sourceforge.net/projects/freebxmlbp) and I have big difficulties to make them work. And the reason I am writing you is to ask you, please, for help.
  I have compiled and installed both applications: ebBP Editor & CPP. ebBP Editor had (and still has) several errors; I have managed to solve some of them, but not all. For example, it is made a reference to ebbp.owl file but the link: http://www.srdc.edu.tr/~yavuz/ebbp/ebbp.owl I have managed to solve this, but there are still references to links which do not work:
  For example, there is a reference to: http://docs.oasis-open.org/ebxmlbp/ebbp-2.0 which does not work... The correct link is: http://docs.oasis-open.org/ebxml-bp/ebbp-2.0/ebbp-2.0.3.xsd 
  In fact, all links that appear in “Bussiness Transaction” window are not working… I do not know how this affects the application.
  I am kindly asking you, please for help & answers to some questions.
  First of all, I must admit that supporting materials (e.g., tutorials) are not much… I was able to find a document from ARTEMIS project (User Guide, draft. V.1.0.3). It contains useful information, however I am not able to create a tab with “InitialBusinessCollaboration” in ebBP Designer. Can you please tell me how can I do this? I click on “new Business Colaboration” icon in “ebBP Visual Coompnent” and I fill in the information and save the file. However, “InitialBusinessCollaboration” tab is not created….in DOS window appear several errors.
  CPP/CPA application is installed. I am able to create a CPP and fill in information (e.g., partner_info, business documents). Please tell me how is it possible to create a CPA? Another question is: I create CPP and I click the option “Save” but I was not able to find out where the CPPs are saved.... Can you please help me with this as well? Which is the name of new created CPPs?
  Please tell me, can you provide me more documentation/ tutorials on both applications? Is it available a more recent version of these applications? The truth is it is of utmost importance for my PhD work to have these applications in a functional state.
  Thank you very much.
  Looking forward for an answer from you, please accept my best regards.
  Claudia-Melania Chituc

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