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Subject: [ebxml-cppa] Fwd: Re: ebxml ms, cpa and bpss signals question.

Reposting to the CPPA list at John Yunker's request (2 of 2).  Jamie

From: "John Yunker" <john.yunker@bleuciel.org>
To: "James Bryce Clark" <jamie.clark@mmiec.com>,
        "Rik Drummond" <rvd2@drummondgroup.com>,
        "'Paul R. Levine'" <plevine@telcordia.com>
Cc: <ebtwg-bps@lists.ebtwg.org>, <ebxml-cppa@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject: Re: ebxml ms, cpa and bpss signals question.
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 08:34:33 -0700

Oh, one other context for the use of the BPSS level signals.  The ebXML charter clearly set out the requirement that the specifications function independently.  Thus BPSS should be able to be used with many transports, necessitating that BPSS describe a signal content structure.  This lead to some properties that might be considered technical alignment properties being included, if they were essential to convey or enforce the business alignment properties (since ebXML MSG might not be used.

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