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Subject: [ebxml-iic] Open Source Project for Test Framework

On the last IIC conference call, we discussed the possibility of 
unifying any potential or ongoing efforts to implement the IIC framework 
under a single open source organization.

Depending on interest, I would like to organize a development effort 
using Sourceforge as the collaboration vehicle, with the project 
promoted as a component of freebxml.org.  Ideally, the senior 
architects/developers among us would organize the project, come up with 
an implementation plan, and start the work.  Once organized and 
designed, we should be able to include less experienced developers into 
the project, such as junior programmers and interns from interested 
companies.  The direction of the project would be determined on an 
ongoing basis by a steering commitee made up of the initial organizers.

If you are interested in getting involved, even if you cannot promise 
developer resources, please respond to me privately and I will 
facilitate a discussion via a special conference calls for the 
interested parties.

Best Regards,


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