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Subject: Re: [egov-registry] regrep guidelines

Paul Spencer wrote:

>I thought this was a great document. Sorry for the delay in replying (both I
>and my PC have been out of action), but I have now added a few comments.
>Some of these are for discussion, so I hope others will have a look.
>It is probably worth getting this onto the OASIS template or some other
>mechanism that allows easy reference to paragraphs. I used Word's commenting
>as the easiest way to work with the current document.
+1 on Paul's sentiments. Thanks for getting a great start on the document.

Some minor comments follows:

-s/target output types include XML schema, XML DTD,/ arget output types 
include XML schema, XML DTD, Relax NG Schema,/

-s/together for a ‘elaible Messaging System/together for a ‘Relaible 
Messaging System/

-Should we use RFC 2119 conventions for MUST, SHOULD, SHALL etc.?

-"CPSIN data dictionary" seems to be Gov. of Canada specific. Do we want 
to remove it?

We may want to define an requirements that there be a "eGovernment 
Service Business Information Model" be defined which defines a canonical 
set of domain specific extensions to the ebXML Registry. Such extensions 
would include:

    * Definition of a mapping from the Business Information Model to
      ebXML Registry Information Model
    * Definition of specific object types that MUST be supported
    * Definition of Business rules for validation for these objects types
    * Definition of Cataloging services for cataloging each object type
      to facilitate content based discovery
    * Definition of Business Queries for each object type and across
      multiple object types
    * Definition of Roles based access control policies
    * Definition of a minimal set of events that will be of interest to
      specific roles
    * Providing a means for acquiring digital certificates for users of
      the registry
    * Definition of standard taxonomies used for classifying EGSM



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