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Subject: [egov-services] OASIS eGov March 12th face to face Meeting inWashington DC conference call dial in information

As promised here is the dial in information for the conference call on March 12th is as follows...  

Note: the same dial-in information applies to the afternoon subcommittee meetings which start at 1-5pm EST on Wed March 12th  in three different conference rooms.  any concerns please let me know   i will be testing our system tomorrow to make sure it works for you on March 12th...  cheers diane 

March 12 - 9:00 am - 5pm  EST

DIAL IN Numbers:   

202 353-0880 (locations in Washington DC area and outside U.S. (e.g. UK) ) 

1 800 521-6079 (locations (e.g. California) outside Washington, DC area but within the U.S.)

Other DOJ offices dial in :  3-0880

Pass code:  4951  then #

How to participate in a Meet-Me Conference

1.  Dial in up to ten (10) minutes prior to scheduled start time.

2.  Enter the telephone number and the pass code followed by the "#"

3.  You will hear a tone and be admitted to the conference.  (If you forget your pass code or are calling from a rotary phone, remain on the line for operator assistance.)

4.  Conferees have a ten (10) minute window before actual conference start time to enter a conference.  If conferee tries entering before the 10 minutes window, the system will deny entry.

5.  Once total amount of conferees has been reached, no additional parties may enter the conference except by the Conference Operator.

6.  The Conference Operator can be reached at anytime by pressing * 0.

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