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Subject: RE: [egov-services] Meeting Highlights march 11 morning - HealthServices

Thanks Tom for signing up..

David Layton is the ebXML/Web Services sub Committee chair... so i am including him on this message so he can add your name to his list... we are sorting out the TC membership and SC memberships... per the OASIS membership rules... so he will notify you about your exact status on his SC.

not sure you were on the conference calls yesterday 3/12... in any event the egov services SC members have been asked to each work on defining the health space in the context of electronic government services and technical standards...  your knowledge is most welcome....  

i left my meeting notes at home today.. but will send out 3/12 meeting notes which provide you and as a reference for members... the template we agreed to us as each of us captures and draws the dots in the health space...

a teleconference call will be held in two weeks (March 27th) so each member is to be prepared to share over the phone his/her findings....plus send via the list an informal write up of his/her findings using the template provided.....   

so please record the CDC effort in your reported findings March 27th.

Please keep an eye on the OASIS egov site for further updates  and of course the lists... cheers diane

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Tuduc [mailto:tomtuduc@webarches.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 8:25 AM
To: Lewis, Diane; egov-services@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [egov-services] Meeting Highlights march 11 morning -
Health Services


I would like to volunteer for Health Services including liaison with various
health services including emergencies/social services, i.e. the Center for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC has implemented some ebXML.

Please add me to the ebXML/Web Services sub committee too.

Tom Tuduc

-----Original Message-----
From: Lewis, Diane [mailto:Diane.Lewis@usdoj.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 11:36 AM
To: 'egov-services@lists.oasis-open.org'
Subject: [egov-services] Meeting Highlights march 11 morning

Thanks to Terry and Jouko and Ranjeeth for a productive conversation... the
results of which i try to capture below in summary form... and during the
meeting tomorrow we will expand on these results....  i think this meeting
is a good start  diane

1. Initial discussion was a brainstorm session taking the topic of Health
(service) and starting to identify sub groups of services under two major
headings:  Public citizen health protection and Public delivery of Health
Discussion was supported by learning about Finland's approach to health
service and the data collection that occurs based on laws and regulations.

2. identified as an aside the standard HL7 patient records mark-up

3. identified as an aside two data exchange points between Health service
delivery/protection and other government services:
 a) emergency management;  b) social services

4. continued discussion lead to a more organized approach to
brainstorming.... which resulted in capturing primary and secondary
functions with the "Health Space" and what the meeting participants
identified temporarily as the "Diplomacy/Foreign Relations Space"

5. the approach worked well in fleshing out the first scope or boundary for
each space.

6. next steps individual SC members  will be asked to serve as lead/editor
for a specific service space... volunteers
	there will be a total of six spaces to define:  Health, Education,
Diplomacy/Foreign Relations, Transport, ??

7. Each lead/editor for a service space will contact domain experts, eGov TC
members for assistance in fleshing out the service space in terms of
boundaries/scope and identify possibilities for information exchanges and
possible application of XML technology standards that exist or can be
expanded, or need to be developed.

8. every two weeks a teleconference will be held to discuss each
lead/editor's findings and resulting work document with all SC members

9.  example of Health space (starting point)

>Patient Records (birth, death, medical)  (primary data/function)
(secondary data/function: fee payment, benefits)
(data exchange with other e-gov services: Social services, legal/law
Government to Citizen; Government to Business (health care provider)

>Drug/pharmaceutical life cycle
(secondary data/function: R&D resources, fee payment)
(data exchange with other e-gov services: regulatory/legal/law enforcement)
Government to Business (manufacturing, market)

>Disease Prevention - monitoring  (statistics, research)
(secondary data/function: research, information publishing)
(data exchange with other e-gov services: legal/law enforcement; disaster
Government to Government;  Government to Citizen

>> possible granularity:  Immunization management > statistics and research
> exchange of information between governments determination of nation/state
policy; determine allocation of  resources (e.g. HIV)

>Providers - monitoring - delivery  (providers: individual, entity (e.g.
hospital), network of entities)
(secondary data/function: fee payment, benefits)
(data exchange with other e-gov services: regulatory/legal/law enforcement)
Government to Citizen; Government to Business (health care provider)

10.  Diplomacy/Foreign Relations Space

> Treaties and Agreements
(data exchange with other e-gov services: disaster management (network of
data sharing for risk analysis)
Government to Government

>Conflict Resolution (between inter and intra states)
Government to Government

>Trade  (import/export)
secondary data/function: fee payment
Government to Business

11. there is a need to make sure we are connected to the other SCs....
liaisons are needed...

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