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Subject: Fw: EML standard version

Could I have some help dealing with this enquiry please.  Suggested answers to the questions would be appreciated.
Please note that this company are formulating a bid for a government contract in the Netherlands so please treat this as commercial-in-confidence please.

M. +44 (0)7976 157745
Skype: gov3john

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "Verburg, Jan" <Jan.Verburg@kiesraad.nl>
To: John Borras <johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: Thursday, 18 September, 2008 12:12:44
Subject: RE: EML standard version

A month ago you offered to be of help when needed.
Now I am trying to specify precisely how the EML documents for the Netherlands government should look like. As an example I have made a document describing the result of the county elections in 2002 for the county Nuth (see attached document, if a Firewall removes it please let me know so I will include it in the body of a mail).
I have a few questions about this:
  • Is this document in accordance with the current EML stylesheets, or is this interpretation too free?
  • I use the field ContestName to contain the name of the county. Is it valid to use this field to indicate an area?
  • As persons are always nominated by parties I used 2 levels of candidate to indicate persons and parties. There is a third level in the Netherlands where parties may cooperate during elections. In some cases this may result in extra seats. Is this valid use of EML?
  • I need some more fields in the header indicating the entity that created the file and the timestamp of creation. These fields are used to identify the files and may be used for auditing reasons. The log file will indicate the tomestamp and the hash of the file. I wonder where to put in these fields. Can you comment on that?
I hope to hear from you to get some guidance so I may use that when describing schema 210, 230 and 510 files.
Jan Verburg
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: John Borras [mailto:johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk]
Verzonden: maandag 18 augustus 2008 17:49
Aan: Verburg, Jan
Onderwerp: Re: EML standard version

I'm sorry for any confusion, I will get the Coverpages site updated as soon as possible.  EML v5.0 is the latest approved version and it has superceded v4.0.  Attached is a schedule of the changes made in v5 which may help your understanding.
We have now submitted version 5.0 to ISO for approval as a full international standard and I hope to be able to announce their endorsement later this year.
I would be interested to hear about your project and how you are planning to use EML.
Please let me know if I can be of any more help.

M. +44 (0)7976 157745
Skype: gov3john

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<EML Id="520" SchemaVersion="5" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:evs:schema:eml">
<ElectionIdentifier Id="GR 2002">
<ElectionName>Gemeenteraad 2002</ElectionName>
<ContestIdentifier Id="1">
<AffiliationIdentifier Type="Party" Id="1" Name="Lijst Lenoir" />
<CandidateName>Lenoir, A.C.M.S.</CandidateName>
<CandidateName>Hendriks, M.J.</CandidateName>
<CandidateName>Soons, J.H.G.</CandidateName>
<CandidateName>van den Heuvel, L.H.M.</CandidateName>
<AffiliationIdentifier Type="Party" Id="2" Name="Christen Democratisch App`el (CDA)" />
<CandidateName>Sleijpen, R.L.M.</CandidateName>
<CandidateName>Souren, H.J.M.</CandidateName>
<CandidateName>Wiekken, H.G.M.</CandidateName>
<CandidateName>Waltmans, J.L.W.H.</CandidateName>
<CandidateName>van den Berg, J.J.C.</CandidateName>
<CandidateName>Gootjes, T.J.A.</CandidateName>
<AffiliationIdentifier Type="Party" Id="3" Name="Partij van de Arbeid (P.v.d.A.)" />
<CandidateName>Kockelkoren, H.J.L.</CandidateName>
<CandidateName>Pluijmaekers, A.A.B.</CandidateName>
<AffiliationIdentifier Type="Party" Id="4" Name="VVD" />
<CandidateName>Panster, L.J.H.M.</CandidateName>
<CandidateName>Erven, G.H.M.</CandidateName>
<AffiliationIdentifier Type="Party" Id="5" Name="Groot-Nuth" />
<CandidateName>Jetten, J.J.A.</CandidateName>
<AffiliationIdentifier Type="Party" Id="6" Name="LEEFBAAR NUTH" />
<CandidateName>Suppers, M.N.E.</CandidateName>
<AffiliationIdentifier Type="Party" Id="7" Name="GROENLINKS" />
<CandidateName>Essers, J.H.M.</CandidateName>

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