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Subject: Re: [election-services] EML v6 DATA MODELS


Sorry for commenting on this at such a late stage, but it just struck me that it might make things a bit clearer for people who don't know EML by heart to make the "one-to-many" indications a bit clearer (e.g. 1..* or 0..*). We could either split them up and put the 1 and * on the correct side, or use an arrow with the three little lines at the end. It makes it more visually apparent.

Sven Rubben

Tel BLS: +32 2 225 27 47
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Notes: Sven Rubben/Belgium/IBM@IBMBE
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-----John Borras <John@pensive.eu> wrote: -----

To: "election-services@lists.oasis-open.org" <election-services@lists.oasis-open.org>
From: John Borras <John@pensive.eu>
Date: 15/01/2010 11:47AM
Subject: [election-services] EML v6 DATA MODELS

One of the requests received in the Public Review process was the need for a data model to support v6.  This request also came out very strongly in the NIST workshop before Christmas.  So to meet this I have produced the attached set of models.  I propose to revise the Spec Doc to include the top-level model, see Part 3.3 doc attached, and then make available the zip file containing all the lower-level models to compliment and supplement the Data Dictionary.
I'd appreciate any views on this approach and the draft models I've prepared please.  Data modelling can be a very subjective and contentious discipline and I have no intention of really deep diving into the finite detail of all this.  What I've produced shows the major business entities and business data used in v6 and I believe is sufficient to meet the request at this stage.  If subsequently we find that it does not fulfil the need then we can do further work on it at a later stage.


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[attachment "3_3_ Data Requirements - revised.docx" removed by Sven Rubben/Belgium/IBM]
[attachment "EML v6.0 Data Models.zip" removed by Sven Rubben/Belgium/IBM]

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