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Subject: RE: [emergency] Groups - EMIFC - NEW STATEMENT OF GOALS AND CALL FOR MEMBERSHIP.doc uploaded

Thank you for your insightful comments. I agree with you that business
continuity must be addressed. Without the private sector paying taxes we
would not have the Government issues to look over. Rick and I are in
synch, as his comments indicate. 

Tom Merkle
CapWIN:        www.capwin.org 
Phone:        (301) 614-3720
Cell Phone:   (240) 375-1966
Fax:          (301) 614-0581
e-mail:        tmerkle@capwin.org
6305 Ivy Lane Suite 300
Capital Office Park
Greenbelt, MD 20770

-----Original Message-----
From: CONSULTRAC [mailto:rcarlton@consultrac.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:41 PM
To: R. Allen Wyke
Cc: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [emergency] Groups - EMIFC - NEW STATEMENT OF GOALS AND

That's great Allen. Tom and I will take your comments under advisement
and respond with either appropriate work products, or additions to the
statement as suggested. Let he and I get coordinated now that we have
some feedback and we'll try and get at least a logical dialogue going
prior to the next plenary session. I'd also remind everyone that we're
going to need commitments, or re-commitments, on SC membership pretty
quickly, otherwise Tom and I will have no one to co-chair on behalf of.

----- Original Message -----
From: "R. Allen Wyke" <emergency-tc@earthlink.net>
To: <rcarlton@consultrac.com>
Cc: <emergency@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: [emergency] Groups - EMIFC - NEW STATEMENT OF GOALS AND

First, let me say that I LOVED this statement. I do have some comments,
but I thought it was appropriately terse, efficient in its wording, and
targeted well.

That being said, like any manifesto, it is probably important to
quickly follow-up with a work product that is a direct reflection of
this mission. In other words, you have described an automobile, so
providing a model or picture of a specific car to further illustrate a
reflection of that description only helps to bring an additional
dimension of clarity to your cause. I personally feel some of the other
work products the IF SC has put out is that illustration, so going back
and putting in some key tie-in wording in those documents and maybe
updating the IFSC Website can probably bring this full circle fast.

Anyway, just some thoughts. On to my comments...

Strategic Operating Context: one of my main (not personal mind you)
gripes about the work of the TC to date, is that while many activities
in the US Gov (NIMS, ICS, Enterprise Architecture, etc.) have brought
awareness to the problems we are trying to tackle, these only represent
part of the applicability of our work products. The whole world of
business continuity, business process management, and the overall
private sector seems to be avoided. While I understand it would be
ignorant to ignore the hype/noise the US Gov is making, as it elevates
the important of our work, I feel it is wrong to not elude to the
greater problems we are trying to solve across both public and private
sectors. As such, I would propose the following be added to end of this
section of the document, after the bulleted list:

"Furthermore, the applicability of the Strategic Operating Context is
also present outside of the immediate needs specified within the
critical infrastructure components in NIMS. The private sector often
faces business continuity issues that must be addressed or avoided.
Their issues can send ripple effects beyond the impacted company into
the very fabric of the world's "operating" infrastructure. The
disruption of a large financial organization, for instance, and touch
and wreak havoc well beyond their immediate business into other
organizations both in and out of the financial sector."

Tactical Requirement: same comment here as the SOC mentioned above -
feel an obligation to at least acknowledge the private sector
challenges. While I wish I had a specific document/set of guidelines in
mind, I do not. That being said, I am certain it would take little to
no effort to find some kind of "disaster resilient guidelines" that
focuses on ensuring interoperability during business continuity
challenges document on the Web. Is there anyone in the TC that knows of
any? Gary/Len/Rex/Bob, I was thinking one of you might given your

Schematic Response: I would recommend you provide some clarity around
the "...previous published work by the committee..." statement.
Specifically, I would recommend you call out some specific work and
also specify which committee you are referring to (ie: EM TC or IFSC).
Maybe something like...

"...previously published work, such as but not limited to XXX, by the

And that is it. Beat up, slam around, and fire back as you see fit -

On Apr 20, 2004, at 6:51 PM, rcarlton@consultrac.com wrote:

> MEMBERSHIP.doc has been submitted by Richard Carlton
> (rcarlton@consultrac.com) to the OASIS Emergency Management TC
> document repository.
> Document Description:
> Download Document:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/emergency/download.php/
> 6481/EMIFC%20-
> View Document Details:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/emergency/document.php?
> document_id=6481
> PLEASE NOTE:  If the above links do not work for you, your email
> application
> may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to copy and
> paste
> the entire link address into the address field of your web browser.
> To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster
> of the OASIS TC), go to
> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/emergency/members/
> leave_workgroup.php.

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