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Subject: Re: [emix] Location and Bounded Areas: GML Simple Features Profile

Anne -
Some answers to your first question:
What is the relationship between the 'Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architecture document and the 'GML simple features profile' document?  The latter references the GML spec, but how does the Common Architecture document relate to those?  And is there a Part 2?
Both of the standards mentioned above have their "roots" in the ISO 19107: Spatial Schema standard. This ISO standard, originally written by OGC Members, provides an abstract model for spatial geometry (points, linestrings, polygons and many more) as well as the concept of a feature. A feature is an observable phenomenon, such as a road or a fire hydrant.
Simple features access (Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4) were originally defined and approved by the OGC and subsequently ISO back in the early 2000's. Part 2 if I remember correctly is Simple Features: SQL. This standard defines a common query mechanism (including spatial queries) and response payload (Well Known Types) for databases that support storage of geospatial content. To date, most every commercial, commercial open source, and open source database supports the Simple Features Standard. This includes ORACLE, IBM DB2, Informix, SQL Server, PostGIS and so on. So Simple Features is an interface standard. Simple Features 2.0 is in the works. The main changes will be to add additional geometry types, such as NURBS, as well as full harmonization with SQL MM and GML Simple Features.
The Geography Markup Language (GML) is an encoded standard. GML was designed for sharing and communicating geospatial content. As such, GML is also grounded in ISO 19107 as well as a number of other ISO standards (such as for time, topology, and so forth). GML is content model neutral and supports both geometry and feature models. GML Simple Features profile is a profile of GML. A profile is a restricted subset of the full schema. GML Simple Features is separate from Simple Features access - but both are related in terms of their foundation in ISO 19107.
From an implementation perspective, there a number of options on how to use Simple Features and/or GML. All depends on the use cases.
My battery is running low!
More later.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 11:27 PM
Subject: Re: [emix] Location and Bounded Areas: GML Simple Features Profile

Hi Carl,

Thanks, and great to hear you'll be removing the click-through!

Actually, yes, there were still a few questions I had coming away from this:

a) What is the relationship between the 'Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architeture' document and the 'GML simple features profile' document?  The latter references the GML spec, but how does the Common Architecture document relate to those?  And is there a Part 2?

b) Are there any other documents we should be looking at given what you already know of our requirements, or is the GML simple features profile the best for our use?

c) If we have questions during review / implementation is it best to direct those to you or is there an email discussion list for this on the OGC site?

d) and, of course ... when will the schema be available?

Thanks so much for your time and responses!


creed@opengeospatial.org wrote, On 2/17/2011 8:08 PM:
c0239b9189ee08bf20fd93df0f153fe0.squirrel@mail.opengeospatial.org type="cite">
Anne -

Well done!  Sometimes navigating the OGC web site can be a bit difficult.
And yes, we will be removing the click through license requirement in the
near future.

As a further FYI, GML Simple Features with the addition of Circle by
Center point has been approved for use by the Emergency Management TC for
use in a variety of EM related standards.

Also, a GML application schema is the location payload encoding used by
the IETF in numerous internet RFC's.

If you have any questions, please let me know!


Carl Reed

Following on to the discussion/request in today's EMIX meeting about
zeroing in on the ability to define bounded areas I took the recent
exchange on EI (
) and followed along through the wikipedia reference to the OGC site.

There is a Common Architecture document at
http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards under 'Simple Features' (scroll
down in left navigation panel, must do a click-through agreement to view
the spec).  Being a very visually oriented person I started on page 23.
:)  I think the geospatial elements in this document address our needs
around defining bounded areas, such as those used to define baseline
tariff areas/territories by the California PUC.

There is also a 'simple features profile' (click on 'Specification
Profiles' back at standards page) recently released and *approved for
OASIS use last month*
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/201101/msg00026.html also
attached to this email
Supported GML geometric property types on page 21.

The referenced GML standard is here:

Schema examples forthcoming:

Therer are many, many specs, profiles, etc on the OGC site so still
needs more sorting/investigation but this is a start for discussion.




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