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Subject: Re: HM.applications-Translations

> Again, the architecture of the Semantic Web is fairly
> unremarkable.

Actually, it's *very* unremarkable.

> All it really is is an attempt like more Berners-Lee projects
> to limit representation to a single system.

I don't think that's true, but it depends on how you define "systems".
Is/are the person(s) responsible for the "book" to be accused of trying to
limit representation to a single system? I don't think so: the SW is as
non-constraining as it can possibly be. I don't expect its scope ot grow as
large as HTTP, or the printed word, and I think that anyone who does is
being foolish, but I do expect it to be able to do simple queries, merging,
inferences, and other stuff that I can't be bothered to do. Too many people
use the phrase "when/if the Semantic Web works" - I've got news for them:
it's already working. I've only ever really had two uses for it (a big
database merge that would have taken ages manually or using any other
software, and a cool little server logs program that I wrote), but others
should find more uses. There's just this huge cloud of misunderstanding
which hangs over the topic and pisses down on us all, and it's getting

> There are pluses and minuses to that just as the myths
> of naming, location and addressing he promoted have
> advantages and disadvantages. [...]

Yeah, some of that stuff is nuts. But I don't think that anyone in the
world truly understands the axioms behind URIs/naming/location fully. Too
many disagreements, too many problems. But it all sticks together somehow,
so who cares really?

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <http://webns.net/roughterms/> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <http://purl.org/net/sbp/> .

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