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Subject: HM Application: HumanML Write Beta Version 0.2

Hello Everyone,
I would like to introduce everyone on the OASIS discussion list to a small program I have been working on during the Phase 0 of the HumanMarkup project. The program, called "HumanML Write", is an open source program that does one simple task: it aids in the creation of XML documents that conform to the various schemas developed during Phase 0 of the HumanMarkup project.
I have distributed the source code in the hope that more able and experienced programmers could take my basic ideas and expand upon them. As I am a novice programmer, I am sure this code will seem rather primitive, and I invite anyone to fix it up. It would also be nice if someone could port this to Java so that we can allow people to use this across all systems. This beta version was written in Visual Basic 6.

The complete installation zip file for HumanML Write Beta 0.2 can be found at the following temporary location:
The complete Visual Basic source code, containing all of the Visual Basic project files, forms, and modules can be found at:

I invite comment on this initial attempt to showcase the most elemental of technologies: the creation of HumanML XML documents.
Joe Norris

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