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Subject: [humanmarkup-comment] A Week That Was (and then some) and Still IS

Hi Everyone,

I seem to be having one of those weeks that manages to pack in 
everything plus the kitchen sink, not all that dissimilar from last 
month this time. I hope it isn't about to become a pattern, but I 
know it is only the lead up to the summer vacation/conference season, 
although conference season is now stretching all year, as opposed to 
the fall-year end/new year and mid-year slots.

Regardless, I wanted to apprise you all that I'm running behind, AND 
I've chased down a viral infection, too. (That was facetious since it 
was the other way round, with the virus chasing me down.) I will do 
my best to get the minutes and website and the next element-body 
location out by the end of the weekend, but my body is informing that 
I either take it easier today, or it will go on strike and keep me in 
bed for a while.

However, I am making progress on a fresh install of Windows 2000, and 
I actually don't appear to be losing either any data, nor some of the 
programs that I was entitled to install while I was teaching, but not 
to keep the disks and packaging for, since it was installed under an 
Educational Institution's Licenses, so that is one of the silver 
linings from this week of storm clouds.

I was sorta stuck with a phone in one or the other ear while whacking 
on the Win2K problem yesterday, since it was the Web 3D Consortium's 
Open Member Meeting Day culminating their week of workshops at the 
San Mateo Sun Microsystems Campus. I learned quite a bit, not all of 
it good or hopeful, but enough so that I'm reasonably pleased that 
numerous pieces of that puzzle are coming together, and are scheduled 
for announcement to the world at this year's SIGGRAPH during the 
third week of July, and which I hope to attend if I can possibly 
swing it. It also allowed me to catch up on the latest developments 
in the Java world. I will attempt to give y'all a report on it next 
week. The upshot is the release of the latest rev of Java, so the 
coincidence with my Win2K breakdown is actually an opportunity to 
lessen the overall pain the keester that these first releases always 
turn out to be.

Unfortunately, the breakdown of the Win2K installation prevented me 
from completing a sample of 3D Data Visualization in a Portal, which 
I was scheduled to present, and that was definitely NOT a good thing. 
I have attached the only deliverable sample of it I have at this 
point, which is just one of those numerous checks that one makes to 
see how things are looking. It is a jpeg of the 3D scene which is 
just one page/world of the Portal which will deliver customized 3D 
data visualizations in a Management Decision Support Portal based on 
the individual user's preferences and permissions. It isn't meant as 
an actual sample since the actual sample would be a 3D vrml/X3D set 
of 3D environments combined with (e.g. Embedded in) XHTML pages. The 
point is that you can simply supply a greater density of information 
on a single screen/scene/environment in 3D than 2D. Unfortunately 
this sample doesn't show that as readily as the .wrl file itself, but 
that file hasn't been optimized yet, so including it, let alone 
requiring a plug-in to view it, was just not feasible right now. I 
will put it on my own website when it is in more presentable 

Now I will get back to reinstalling what software I need to 
reinstall. Since this includes 3D Studio Max and the IBM WebSphere 
Suite, I may be busy for a while. And, of course, this week wouldn't 
be complete without one more teleconference, the WSIA, which is the 
other group for which I produced this sample.

I will be back soon, I hope, with minutes and website updates.


Attachment: 3DPortalSample.JPG
Description: JPEG image

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