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humanmarkup-comment message

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Subject: [humanmarkup-comment] warnings and disclaimers: email gremlins, worms,viruses

Hi Everyone,

I have noticed several viruses today, some with attachments and some 
without, so be on the lookout.  One is sales@... various addresses 
with and without attachments and another is a subject line of "ok, 
here" and another has an unrecognizable name like ogg@...various 
addresses followed by empty parentheses "()"

My email is getting delivered out of order again. I have no idea why. 
There doesn't appear to be anything related to the nasties since i 
don't open attachments from unknown senders, use MS Outlook or Wintel 
rigs for email unless the G4 is down, and it isn't. So I suspect it 
is server side problems. The symptoms don't follow a predictable or 
consistent pattern, so if it seems like I am ignoring you, please 
notify me. I am trying to remember to go back over the day's posts, 
but I am on several very active lists right now, and two of them are 
writing specs and/or writing specs while still writing requirements, 
and I have been on numerous telecons recently, so I know I'm missing 

Intermittent foobars drive us all nuts. There oughta be a way to 
reflect viruses and worms and trojan horses back on the perpetrators.

Oh well, that's life, I guess.

Ciao, Aloha, Take Care

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