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Subject: Re: [humanmarkup-comment] Next Meeting Information

Title: Re: [humanmarkup-comment] Next Meeting Information
For semiotics: Daniel Chandler's works that are available online,



and while I hate to say it, our archived yahoogroups email files is the best place to cull out the guiding principles of semiotics beyond the specifics of sign, signal and symbol. I could give you chapter and verse of my own reasoning, but I don't have the time right now.

My personal main source is the Principia Cybernetica


The methodology is likewise a result of our phase 0 discussions. Even though I was a participant it would take me just as much time as it would you to cull out the significant messages. We haven't set down the specific steps of the methodology. A quick summary would be: survey existing bodies of thought on subjects/application areas for key terminology and concepts then apply the understandings of semiotics to develop a set of widely used signs, signals and symbols for subject/app area so that we can produce a standard and harmonized vocabulary. Please note that for the most part, while some of us have operational models that we are working toward, such as VRML/X3D applications for myself, our common denominator is the need to develop a consistent vocabulary.

The actual discussions took a long and arduous road arriving at the point where Len could begin development of the straw-man toolkit schema on which we are basing the Primary Base Schema. Among other work on the yahoo groups humanmarkup site you will find a set of classes and properties that was the basis for HM.frameworks which is our ontological document--available on the OASIS TC website.


You know the OASIS url but here it is anyway: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/humanmarkup/

You will have to refer to your own work and Paul Prueitts for the first bibliographies I used to study complex adaptive systems and stratifed complexity which I would expect you to understand more thoroughly than I do, and since Len's understanding of it is the operative one wrt our work, you should probably ask him what he is studying.

I always start on google with a quotation mark enclosed key phrase. Two I used are:



If you search on stratified complexity it gets circular since it is Paul's term as near as I can tell, so you are back to his and your work vis a vis "situatedness," which appears to be the point at which his work parts company with complex adaptive systems in general.


Hi Rex

where can I read the details as to what the official word is for the
"guiding principles of semiotics".

Where can I read the details as to "established methodology we have adopted ".

...the details on "complex adaptive systems"

.... the details on "stratified complexity "


From: Rex Brooks <rexb@starbourne.com>
To: "David Dodds" <drdodds42@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [humanmarkup-comment] Next Meeting Information
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 06:54:06 -0700

Hi David,

Bummer, we could use more participants. The Primary Base Schema work is being conducted on the public-comment mailing list in an element by element process so that we can collect our work up into documentation through the Subject line threads. It is archived by OASIS for us. So you can follow AND participate without being a TC member per se. This is the norm for OASIS TCs. We welcome all participants.

Work is proceeding rather slowly just now. It turns out that there are quite a few considerations with each element we discuss. The one that is on center stage right now is still chronemic, but I haven't pursued it while I wait for Len to have enough time in his busy schedule to satisfy himself about where he stands vis a vis stratified complexity and processing as a consideration and I complicated that somewhat by making sure he and everyone knows that this particular school of thought sprang from the work on complex adaptive systems, all of which has to be considered within the established methodology we have adopted of using the guiding principles of semiotics for our work.

Hi Rex

I have to work wednesday. My employer has stated that I may NOT participate in such conferences during my working DAY. :(

I am interested to see what happens with the committee.

(could you tell me where I can read, to catch up, about the base schema people are working on?)

From: Rex Brooks <rexb@starbourne.com>
To: humanmarkup-comment@lists.oasis-open.org, humanmarkup@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [humanmarkup-comment] Next Meeting Information
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 11:01:03 -0700

Hi Everyone,

Here's your last reminder about our next Teleconference Meeting,
Tomorrow, Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern.

We will discuss the High-Level Subcomittee, and the current status of
our various efforts.


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  PASSCODE: 17191
  LEADER:            Mr Sandy Ressler

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100 Bureau Drive STOP 8940
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David Dodds

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David Dodds

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