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Subject: RE: [humanmarkup-comment] Base Schema - Proxemic

Thanks. Sounds like we are on the sampe page.

That's perfectly understandable. We figured as much. Hope the medprob 
dissolves soon.


At 9:15 AM -0500 9/20/02, Bullard, Claude L (Len) wrote:
>In a simple sense, a proxemic could be implemented as
>a rule for setting the values of other fields given
>some value of proximity for a given semiote.  In
>other words, the proximity value is exactly that:
>space measured between semiotes.   It doesn't have
>any significance except as an argument in the context
>of the other objects in the vicinity of the semiote.
>One might think of it in terms of local coordinate
>systems similar to the VRML concept of proximity. 
>In another sense, a proximity value is one of the
>most important values for a communication application.
>Proxemic values should be part of several of the other
>primary or secondary elements.  I didn't combine these
>because I didn't want to constrain what could be done
>in the secondaries given that secondaries will be
>more theoretic-specific, that is, uses the concepts
>from the primaries but may relate these in different
>Note that very few of the original primary elements
>were combined.  I left that for later discussion
>as are being had now.
>My apologies to all for missing the telecon.  I've
>been in and out of the office for some medical
>reasons.  Justa buncha old guys here....
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rex Brooks [mailto:rexb@starbourne.com]
>Hi Folks,
>Here we go again. This one should be given some focused thought about
>it in relation to several recently examined elements.
>This is a ComplexType with the abstract attribute. It does not
>reference other elements, but I think we should consider changing
>from: Not used by other elements; to used by other elements; IF we
>decide to make a couple of other changes I am going to introduce.
>This element belongs to the attribute group humlIdentifierAtts.
>I also want to point out that this discussion and commentary
>represents to some extent how our personal and collective thinking
>can change over time as more information is taken into account. In
>this case, we have had several discussions around the issues of
>locators which directly bear on how this element may need to be used
>by other elements. This is not the best of all possible worlds, but
>it does seem to more accurately describe the one in which we live. A
>little more than a year ago, I had proxemic grouped with the
>etymologically related elements of kinesic, cosmetic, haptic, because
>that made linguistic sense then in the absence of the research and
>discussion we have had since.
>First, let's look at the description/definition []=my additions:
>Proxemic: Human Space/Time Relationships. Use of both time and space
>as well as relative body positions given some organization of the
>features of the space in which communication occurs. [This is
>considered] In [terms of] physical distance or closeness maintained
>between individuals, as affecting messsageTypes such as body heat
>they give off, odors perceived in social situations, angles of vision
>they maintain while talking [conversing]. [This includes] Notions of:
>fixed feature space (unmovable boundaries, eg. divisions within an
>office building)[;] semi-fixed feature space, such as furniture[;]
>informal space including intimate distance (eg, American culture is
>6-18 inches)[;]  personal distance (eg, American culture is 1.5-4
>feet)[;] [and] social distance (eg, American culture is 4-12 feet)[.]
>We may want to divide up proximity as affecting communications and
>feature space into separate modules.
>In light of the discussions we have had around locators, whereby I
>think we are likely to create related elements of bodyLocation (site
>within/on body), geo-temporalLocator (local coordinates relative to
>recognized standards like City, State,  Country, Lattitude/Longitude,
>GPS, and universal date/time standards, etc) and locator (site
>within/on physical object), I think we will likely to settle on a
>very basic definition for proxemic as relative distance of semiote
>to: physical objects which are locally-defined and located objects in
>the immediate physical environment (eg, limits of perceptional
>distance or what a semiote can sense); other semiotes located in
>physical environment; and, other semiotes currently engaged in
>communication interaction (eg, online, snail mail, IM).
>I think this is another case where the enumeration of distinctions or
>types needs to be done in a Secondary Base Schema. That would include
>personal, social and intimate distance perceptions.
>I think we need to think about which elements should be changed so
>that their mutually modifying use is likely, in this case locators
>and proxemic will use each other, and proxemic will be used by
>culture, kinesic and emotion. Prxoemic will also play a role in
>another new element I think we should consider: perception, which I
>think we need in the Primary Base Schema along with culture, emotion,
>and proxemic because, as we get to the element signal, such things as
>body heat and odor, mentined here, which depend to some extent on
>proxemic, will need to be included.
>Here is a double heads-up.
>One--it is another hot day here, but maybe not as bad as recently.
>However the chances are good I will have to shut down again this
>afternoon, so if you don't see replies from me later, that will be
>the reason, not that I am ignoring anyone.
>Two, I have another message which, while related, does not properly
>belong in this thread.
>Rex Brooks
>Starbourne Communications Design
>1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA 94702 *510-849-2309
>http://www.starbourne.com * rexb@starbourne.com
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Rex Brooks
Starbourne Communications Design
1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA 94702 *510-849-2309
http://www.starbourne.com * rexb@starbourne.com

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